Quick Tips Regarding Concrete Core Drilling - The Aussies Blog Mag

Quick Tips Regarding Concrete Core Drilling

October 11, 2018

Concrete core drilling refers to a method by which a precise, perfectly circular hole can be drilled in reinforced concrete or other construction materials like bricks, asphalt, precast concrete and so on. This job requires specialist electric and hydraulic equipment, and holes ranging from 10mm to 1100mm diameter can be made. The drilling might be done horizontally, vertically, inverted or at an angle.

Concrete Core Drilling
Concrete Core Drilling

Some of the most critical uses of concrete core drilling are:

  • Electricals
  • Heating
  • Sewers
  • Test cores
  • Floor Drains
  • Sewer Drains
  • Sewer tie-ins
  • HVAC openings
  • Phone, cable and fiber optic openings
Concrete core drilling is thus significant in construction and in this article; we are going to give you 5 tips for core drilling which will help you increase your skills and get the work done to your satisfaction.

Test Cores- Sometimes, contractors need to test the strength of the concrete, at such times, the only way to do this is to take out a core of concrete and measure its resistance. This can be done if the contractor takes out a core by themselves or they can hire a professional or company.

The main thing to keep in mind is that there should be a written concrete core drilling that specifies from where in the wall to take a sample and how to do the actual tests once the samples are on hand.

Tips for Concrete Core Drilling:

Concrete Core Drilling
Concrete Core Drilling
  •  Selection of Drill - You could either purchase or rent an auger, either way, there are a few things you can do, for holes up to three inches in diameter, a hand-held core drill is perfect. However, the minimum core size for testing purposes is 3.7 inches in diameter, and therefore you will have to use a drill stand or a rig-mounted drilling unit. Always choose a unit which is flexible in performing other functions and projects too like drilling holes for plumbing or electrical work or dowel holes. There are several sizes of hand-held units, rig-mounted units and intermediary units that you can use either with a drill stand or free hand.
  • Power of Drill - There are three power options when it comes to core drill motors. These are hydraulic, air or electric. You should choose the power option based on the availability of power job side and the working environment. The choice of using a certain speed for hole size and concrete hardness is also available.
  • Selection of Diamond Bit - Psi and aggregate hardness should always be considered when choosing a perfect diamond core bid. What you should keep in mind is that the diamond core should be chosen according to the situation and strength of the concrete. A softer diamond core bond is perfect for harder concrete, and a harder diamond bond is suitable for softer concrete.
  • Stand Attachments - Vacuum stands which attach themselves to the floor with a suction power and do not require any anchor holes are useful while drilling cores in concrete slabs which have a mostly flat surface. However, you will need to secure the stand to the wall using anchors if you are drilling cores in a wall for securing the setup. A safety chain with drill stands should be used as a standard precaution against slips.
  • Depth - A 1-foot bit can be used to drill most of the standard concrete core testing samples. You can utilize barrel bits if you need to drill more profound than that.  These are a kind of drill extension that allows you to extend the sufficient length of the cutting bits themselves.
These were our 5 Best tips for contractors and other people who are looking to do some concrete core drilling. Concrete Core drilling is an essential activity in constructions. We hope you enjoyed the article.

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