Hiring Professionals vs DIY: Making The Right Choice In House Reblocking

May 08, 2024


The structural integrity of any residential building is an indispensable factor that greatly impacts the safety of its residents. Reblocking, formally referred to as restumping, is one such critical method to ensure this. It involves replacing old, deteriorated stumps with fresh ones that provide more strength to the overall structure. Neglecting this significant aspect of home maintenance can potentially lead to disastrous consequences, including having to institute comprehensive, costly repairs or, in worst-case scenarios, demolition of the entire building. This blog post aims to offer insights into the concept of house reblocking and guide homeowners about when and how to take action.

Understanding House Reblocking

For the uninitiated, house reblocking or restumping is the process of replacing old or deteriorated stumps - the foundational supports situated under your house. Stumps have a crucial role in keeping the house stable, and over time, as these stumps rot or erode, the foundation may weaken. Telltale signs that your abode may require reblocking are irregularly inclined floors, cracked walls, sticky doors and windows, or visible degradation of the actual stumps. Ignoring these alarms could lead to a bevy of hazards. At best, it may undermine the aesthetic value of your house, but at the worst, it might render your house structurally unstable, leading to potentially catastrophic incidents.

House Reblocking

To DIY Or Not To DIY: Making The Right Choice In House Reblocking

Reblocking isn't a task for the faint hearted; it requires a firm grasp of basic to advanced construction skills, appropriate tools and much more than a Sunday. Still, some homeowners opt to undertake this herculean task on their own. The reasons can range from pure cost consideration to seeking self-gratification of accomplishing a major DIY project. However, it's highly recommended to assess the intensity and level of work required before going down the self-execution route. If the magnitude of work is beyond your workmanship abilities, it's better to barter DIY enthusiasm with professional assistance.

Pros And Cons: DIY House Reblocking

The immediate advantage of DIY reblocking is cost-saving, provided you execute the task impeccably. It can also offer a unique opportunity to learn new skills and might even be invigorating for those who enjoy such tasks. However, the downsides shouldn't be shrugged off. Besides the risk of errors, there's also the considerable time investment to account for. Mishaps or faulty executions can conclude in substantial expenses down the road.

The Case For Hiring Professionals

As house reblocking concerns the backbone of your abode, there're instances when it's sensible to rely on professional expertise. Professionals come loaded with specialized knowledge, skills, tools and years of experience - factors that reduce the risk of errors considerably. They offer certainity and can guarantee the safety and longevity of your home. Not to mention, they usually offer insurance in the event of discrepancies or unforeseen events.

How To Select A Reliable Home Reblocking Professional

Picking a competent professional for house reblocking involves more than a quick Google search. Evaluate multiple prospects, delve into their work profiles, read reviews, and always ask these questions before hiring - Do they carry liability insurance? What’s their reblocking process like? Are they licensed and certified? In Australia, look for professionals accredited by HIA (Housing Industry Association) or MBA (Master Builders Association). 

How To Prepare For A House Reblocking Project

Reblocking necessitates adequate preparation, too. Conduct a comprehensive examination of your home to identify the areas that need attention. Experts recommend moving out temporarily for the duration of the project, given the possible disruptive nature of the reblocking process. If you're hiring a professional, ensure to discuss the project timeline, schedule and house-occupancy plans in advance.

The Financial Side Of House Reblocking

The cost for reblocking oscillates significantly depending on whether you choose DIY or hire professionals. Bear in mind that DIY might initially appear to be a cheaper option, but if not performed accurately, can invite hefty repair costs later. Likewise, the cost for professional service isn't limited to their labor charge. The sum total usually includes material costs, certification, insurance and taxes. Additionally, if you temporarily relocate to another place, that could also add to your cost.


Embarking on a house reblocking journey is certainly not an everyday task. It requires serious consideration, appropriate skills or experts, and due investment of money and time. In the end, whether you adopt the DIY method or hire professionals, remember that on the line is your home's longevity and safety - and these are aspects where compromise often carries a prohibitive price tag.

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