Knowing the Use of Swimming Ear Plugs

February 01, 2024

The scorching heat and dry and sweaty summer days are often beaten with a dive in cool water and swimming strokes. Not only is swimming a fun activity, full of thrill and physical activity, but it is also indeed one of the healthiest activities a person can engage in. it is complete body exercise which allows one to have a healthy lifestyle. Besides, kids love to swim in pools during summer.

swimming ear plugs australia

Why Swimming Ear Plugs?

Swimmer’s Ear is a common ear infection medically referred to as Otitis Externa. This is a condition often complained about by swimmers spending long hours in the water. This painful infection is caused due to water trapped inside the ear and, if kept untreated, could lead to hearing loss.  Since water trapping inside the ear is a condition that often occurs with people leading to discomfort, part, and sometimes infection, using earplugs can help to avoid such conditions. With a swimming ear plug, you can prevent the water from penetrating in the ear.

Swimmer’s ear does not occur due to a little exposure to water; it is mostly an outcome of overexposure to water. The outer ear canal is the most common region of the ear where this infection occurs. Due to prolonged hours of swimming or exposure to water, the moist environment inside the ear canal becomes prone to bacterial growth, leading to infection.

  • Generally, mild cases of swimmer’s ear infection can cause discomfort like tickling sensations along with muffled hearing, sometimes
  • However serious infection rate could cause intense discomfort along with common symptoms like swelling of the lymph node, intense itching, redness, severe pain, deep-tissue infection, and pain.

In Australia, the climate is generally hot and humid. It does not allow the ears to automatically and naturally dry out but keeps them constantly moist due to sweat or humidity. Under such conditions, there remains a risk of developing ear infections even if you are not swimming for prolonged hours, but only a little.

Prevention of Swimmers' Ear:

It is a condition that causes a lot of discomfort, and negligence can sometimes lead to hearing imparity. However, there are ways how one can avoid getting this kind of infection:

  • A simple way of enforcing water inside the ear canal is to evaporate by rubbing a few drops of alcohol in the ear after swimming sessions.
  • Doctors recommend refraining from inserting earbuds or sharp tools to clean ear wax, which can push the wax further and lock moisture inside or cause abrasions leading to a microbe’s attack.
  • Rubbing olive oil can also save the ear canal from repelling water.
  • Clearing out earwax often makes the ear canal inner lining sensitive and open to infections.
  • Wearing swimming earplugs while swimming sessions can completely protect your ear as well

General Characteristics:

Swimming ear plugs are designed and crafted to suit ears with soft, flexible medical-grade silicone material. These are custom moulded and designed in a way that, once worn, guards the ear canal, completely blocking the passage for water to enter the ear canal from outside. Since these swimming ear plugs are strong, waterproof, and durable silicone, they easily float in water.

swimming ear plugs australia

Wrapping it up !!!

Some companies nowadays offer custom-designed swimming ear plugs. As per customer requirements, these can be engraved with marks or names, especially with laser marks. Not only that, these are designed with a unique, convenient handle and can also be crafted with a clear connecting cord as per the requirement of users.  Easily available in various colours and designs, these earplugs can be bought from the store or online. Besides, you can also seek expert guidance and advice from your doctor to choose the product. 

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