The Financial Benefits of A Hay Shed - The Aussies Blog Mag

The Financial Benefits of A Hay Shed

March 02, 2023

In case you are thinking about getting a new hay shed, this article is for you! A quality shed is a great way to save money in addition to being a great method to organize your farming essentials and for many other purposes. It helps to keep your crop safe, secure and protected. Even better, a well-planned hay shed turns a profit eventually!

This article addressed the main explanations for why a hay shed saves you money. If you are wanting to construct your very first hay shed or perhaps your existing shed needs an improvement, these points listed below should help you.

Hay Sheds

  • Hay Sheds Are Multi-Purpose:

You will know that a well-built hay shed can be used to not only store your hay. It is when you have been farming for a long time. But a multitude of other fodder and farm machinery.

Hay sheds are built to offer the farmer more flexible storage options when compared to a fully enclosed farm shed. A hay shed is generally used to store hay bales.

Well, in addition to that, when no hay is being held, they make great storage areas for other things. These things involve grain crops, machinery, equipment used on the farm, and even animals if they require some shelter from bad weather.

Hay sheds can also be extended should you require extra space down the track. Simply add an extra bay or two or an awning to maximize the potential of your shed.

The multi-purpose benefits and extra storage that a hay shed provides are easy ways to save money. A well-planned hay shed could serve all of your current and future needs. It is better than having several different sheds on your farm.

  • On-site Storage:

Why pay for off-site storage when you can have your very own shed, that you can use all year round? Freight charges can be expensive, especially when you may need to move large items from one farm to another. Moreover, using on-site storage is time and energy-saving.

A great way to save on those costs is to have your own storage on-site. This is to store your hay bales and any other farm machinery. This helps you save on freight and trucking costs. Moreover, you can also save money on leasing another shed or storage space.

While a hay shed may seem like a big investment, to begin with, having your hay shed allows you the storage that you need for your farm, which can be utilized for many years in the future.

  • Reduce Spoilage of Hay Bales:

Hay bales that are left in poor conditions can easily deteriorate over time causing you to lose money in wasted feed. Spoilage of hay bales can be a big concern to many farmers as it results in big monetary losses. This is especially for those who rely on hay to feed their stock in the drier months. This is why it is so important to have good hay storage, like a hay shed, in place.

As noted, hay shed storage is the best way to store hay, as it will prevent damage from the weather. being said that, it is important to make sure pests are kept out. Hay should be stored off the floor. Bales stored directly on concrete, placed on the ground, might pick up moisture. This could result in losing up to 50% of your bottom bales. Therefore, it is recommended that you place hay on pallets or a thick layer of old hay. This helps to reduce potential spoilage. 

  • Protection From the Elements:

For farmers, it is known that there is nothing more important than keeping your hay dry and protected. Through proper hay shed storage, hay will maintain the quality and nutrition needed for feeding horses and other livestock.

Hay Shed

If hay is not stored correctly, it can create a moisture trap around the columns of your shed. Moisture can contribute to growth in things like mold. It then risks corrosion. With a quality structural steel hay shed, you can prevent this problem.


The many benefits of hay sheds and grain sheds are described here. Farmers are welcoming the introduction of instant depreciation for fodder storage assets as of 19 August 2018. The new legislation makes it possible to fully claim the cost of building new animal feed storage assets that include silos, hay sheds, and grain sheds.


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