What Are The Major Steps In A Dental Implant Process In A Denture Clinic?

February 10, 2022

Dental implants have become the most profitable way of filling the gaps between teeth. The dental implants done in the Denture clinic are effectively used to restore a range of missing teeth. Everything from a single tooth to a full arch can be fixed with the help of a dental implant procedure.

A professional dental implant in a Denture clinic is essentially a screw made up of titanium that is completely compatible with the human body tissues. In case you have planned to undergo a dental implant in a Denture Clinic.

You should be informed about the various stages that you require to encounter and what you can expect from the treatment. 

Denture Clinic
 Denture Clinic

The Stages of the Dental Implant Procedure 

The major stages of a dental implant procedure in a Denture Clinic are as follows in a stage-wise manner: 

First Stage – A Complete Comprehensive Assessment of the patient 

First, a comprehensive assessment is performed by the experienced dentists of a Denture Clinic in Meadow Heights. The team of dentists will thoroughly access your gum health and the health of your teeth. The gums' overall good health is necessary for a successful implant. 

The team of expert dentists will explain to you all the necessary options that are appropriate for your dental health. The very next stage is a CT scan. 

The second stage – Conducting a CT scan 

In this stage, a CT scan is conducted to get a clear picture of the patient's dental and oral condition, and accordingly, the line of treatment is planned. A CT scan is a prominent three-dimensional image that very clearly scans both your jaws to assess the bone's density, shape, and condition of your gum because it is very useful for locating important structures in your jaw, like the sinuses and nerves. 

It is necessary to conduct an implant, and some additional bone structure is required for supporting the implant. This scan helps provide all the necessary information required for conducting the dental implant procedure.  

The third stage – Placing the implants 

The placement of dental implants is a surgical procedure. It is carried out in a completely sterile environment, using an anaesthetic in the same way that it is used for tooth extraction or tooth filling. The socket is specially prepared, and the implant is conducted. In some cases, the implant can be done instantly once the tooth is taken out. 

Also, in certain cases, intravenous sedation is adopted based on the severity of the patients. This particular sedation does not make the patient sleep as the surgeon necessarily requires you to be responsive. Don’t worry, there is no side effect of such dental treatment and you do not need to go for long-term medication afterwards.

Fourth stage – Healing 

Once the dental implant is placed, the procedure of osseointegration occurs, which means that the placed implant fuses with the bone & ultimately becomes very strong. This procedure occurs within a period of three to six months.

The dentist will then take an X-ray to check if this process is taking place properly or not. In some cases, certain surgical processes will be required to locate the implants that occur under the gum. In such cases, a few stitches may be required.

Fifth stage – Restoration 

In this step, the dentist removes the healing abutment or uses temporary restoration. In this stage, the dentist will examine your gum area and identify the imperfection if any. 

Dental implants possess a very high success rate & this will approximately last for 25 years. However, proper dental implant maintenance has to be done for the best results. So, visit the Denture clinic Meadow Heights for more information and correct your smile for your perfect representation.

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