Primary Features of Plasma Bevel Edge Cutting in Industries Uses - The Aussies Blog Mag

Primary Features of Plasma Bevel Edge Cutting in Industries Uses

September 25, 2017

Many manufacturing industries need to cut the raw materials in a slanting manner or at an acute angle, instead of the usual perpendicular procedure of cutting out things. This angular cutting process is termed as bevel cutting and it is useful in welding works of the factories. Though the beveled cutting can be done manually, this technology is used in the applications through the accurate plasma bevel cutting for large-scale industrial purposes. There are some renowned companies, which produce such machinery for effective bevel cutting of different materials for bringing them into desired shapes and sizes in the manufacturing units.
Plasma Bevel

Main Qualities of Plasma Bevel Cutting Machineries 

  • As the bevel cutting should be done at an acute angle, the required angle for edge cutting should not exceed 45 degrees, for getting the best results.
  • The classification of the plasma bevel in industrial uses depends on the shape of the English alphabet that the cross-section of the beveled edge resembles most closely. Hence, the most common types of bevels are in the shapes of A, I, K, V, X and the top or lower part of Y.
  • The material that needs to be cut by bevel plasma should have at least 2 inches or 50 mm of thickness, for easy and smooth cutting; while the thickness needed for vertical cutting is also almost the same. However, the thickness should be at least 3 inches or 100 mm, if the material is supposed to be beveled along the edges.
  • This specific cutting system needs to have a Skew rotator that can rotate on its axis for the infinite time limit. Thus, the bevel can be rotated as much as needed while cutting the industrial materials.
  • One part of the bevel edging plasma machinery may contain both positive and negative angled bevels, for faster and more efficient cutting of the industrial raw materials in bulk.
  • The torch angle of the bevel can be altered from the minimum number of degrees to the maximum possible limit, which is termed as interpolation of the angled bevel edging. Thus, the workers can easily change the bevel angles according to their convenience of operating the instrument or as per the requirements of cutting.
  • The procedures of plasma bevel cutting are now made to be completely automatic for faster actions in the industrial units, as the manual processes are more time-consuming and tiresome for the workers. Electricity operates these automatic edge cutters that should not exceed 800 amperes, to avoid any kind of accidents while the works are going on. Usually, AC type of current drive is required to drive the electrically operating bevel edge cutting instruments.
The people handling the bevel cutting machines should have thorough knowledge about this technological system and its machinery parts. The calculations of applying the required angles and the thickness is needed for accurate edging of the materials in order to create the perfect end products. They should know about the procedures of cutting the subsequent corners of the material sheets or blocks, including bevelling in and out of the marked margins on these raw materials. 

Therefore, it is best to purchase these bevel edge cutting machines from only reliable companies that offer only the best quality instruments, which are built by strictly following the necessary technology. The edging bevels are provided with the latest software programs that can prevent any error in these mechanisms, which are created by highly trained and experienced professionals of this field. These professionals can guide their clients in using the best fitting bevel edge cutters for using in their industries.

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