7 Common Gutter Cleaning Tips That Can Save You Time and Speed Up The Process

March 12, 2019

Owning a home also means you’ve got to have a good drainage system and intimate knowledge about the gutter cleaning. Usually, people tend to start cleaning up their gutters before the monsoon or winter season so that they can have blockage free gutters. If the rainwater or snow does not flow correctly through the gutters and drainage systems it can cause severe damage to the drain or gutter and cost you a lot of money for its repair. Remember that just because it is not visible to the naked eye, it for certain does not mean that it does not require regular maintenance or cleaning.

Usually, gutter cleaning should take place at least twice a year; once during the spring season when there’s a lot of leaves falling and the other just before you receive the heaviest rainfall.  Below are some of the best tips for gutter cleaning that will surely make your job easy:
Gutter Cleaning

Analyze the situation

Analyzing a problem is one of the most common and important things that most people do while solving a problem or before performing an important task. However, you will be quite surprised when you find out the number of people who simply start working from the middle ends up causing a bigger blunder. So make sure you are scoping out the inside of your gutters, to understand the amount and type of effort it will require to be taken care of.


Make sure you equip yourself with all the important tools you need during the cleaning process. This should include scoops, gloves, shovels, plumber’s auger, protective wears, gutter guards and so forth that can help you with the cleaning process. You should be ready with other tools that can help you with speeding up the cleaning process.

Acquire the right type of ladder

Another thing you’ve got to keep in mind while dealing with gutter cleaning is getting the right type of ladder for the job. For a single story residence you can use a stepladder to access to the gutters, but for a residence that has more than one story, you will need a taller ladder. If you don’t get the right size to get access to the gutter you may end up causing damage to the gutters.

Clean out the leaves

The next thing that you’ve got to do after getting your tools ready is to clean the leaves from the roof. If you have more than one roof to deal with making sure that you take care of all of them before you move on to adjusting the slopes and scooping the dirt.

Adjust the slopes

Adjusting the slopes from time to time will help with the process of gutter cleaning as water will flow uninterrupted and in good volume. If you feel as if they are draining slowly or some other informalities, then reposition them so that they slope toward the downspouts and away from your residence.

Scoop out the dirt/debris

After you have successfully deal with adjusting the slopes, you need to scoop out all the debris and dirt.
Gutter Cleaning

Wash out the gutter

Lastly, always remember that at the end of the gutter cleaning procedure; make sure you test out the gutter by pouring water from one end to check if everything is cleaned properly. You can either use a hose or a pipe to get this done so that the blockages are opened. This will oversee the loose debris that missed out during the cleaning process. This debris will flow down with the water and come out of the drain.

Now that you’ve gotten some tips to help you with the annual or semi-annual job, it’ll be easier to clean up the gutter while doing it systematically.

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