Facts You Need to Know About the Drive in Type of Pallet Racking - The Aussies Blog Mag

Facts You Need to Know About the Drive in Type of Pallet Racking

September 19, 2017

Drive in Pallet Racking
It is essential to have a robust storage plan for any warehouse. Otherwise, you will find that your warehouse is overflowing with pallets and storage boxes. It can become difficult to find something specific quickly. Despite adding pallet racking systems, you may feel that your productivity is being hampered. In such situations, you may find a drive in pallet racking system to be beneficial. Before you install one, it is a good idea to understand what it is and its various characteristics.

An Introduction to the Drive in Pallet Rack Systems

These systems are generally used when the storage space in a warehouse needs to be maximized and put to the fullest possible use. However, it is most suitable for warehouses which contain fewer kinds of items. Another feature of these pallet racks is the smaller width of the access aisles. This increases the storage space considerably. Of course, the actual number of pallets that can be stored in a row can vary depending on the solution you have opted for.

These kinds of pallets consist of upright frames combined with horizontal rails. The rails will be oriented based on depth. They are located at side of the rack lane. As a result, forklifts can easily enter the pallet rack system completely. Additionally, the storage density is incredible and the space is used more efficiently.

How are they Used?

While drive in pallet rack systems are highly useful, a forklift is generally necessary for using them properly. A forklift can be used for loading and unloading them. Moreover, it can also remove and replace the pallets. If all the items stored in the pallet rack are the same, this system can be extremely beneficial.

Common Applications

The drive in pallet racking system is certainly a great option. However, not all warehouses may find it to be beneficial for their operations. There are a few applications that can leverage this system better than others. They are as follows-
  • Fewer number of SKUs
  • Storage freezers
  • Products that move slowly
  • Products that are not time-sensitive in terms of storage time

Optimizing Storage Space with Drive in Pallet Rack

Pallet Racking
It is possible to optimize your warehouse space by as much as 85% with the help of these pallet rack systems. That is of great benefit to companies that need to store a huge number of the same kind of items. In fact, it can be quite a profitable choice. To increase the versatility of use, a different variation of this system is also available. This is known as the drive-through system and it allows access to the products on either side of the aisle.

The Advantages offered by Drive in Pallet Rack

Some of the advantages that are offered by this kind of pallet rack system are given as follows:
  • They are ideal for cold storage warehouses. They maximize the utilization of space, a necessity in the case of freezers which are expensive to create and maintain.
  • They are vastly superior when it comes to storing large quantities of the same kind of product. This is again to the maximum usage of the available space.

The Disadvantages of Drive in Pallet Rack

Here are some of the downsides to this kind of pallet racking system:
  • Due to the movement of the forklifts between the aisles, these racks are more prone to damage. As a result, care must be taken to ensure its longevity.
  • This type of racking follows the ‘last in first out’ storage policy. As a result, time-sensitive items cannot be stored on these racks.
With the above points in mind, it will become easier for you to evaluate whether a drive in pallet racking system is the right choice for your warehouse.

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